安省候任省督 Elizabeth Dowdeswell

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2014/07/07



安省候任省督(lieutenant-governor)杜德斯威尔(Elizabeth Dowdeswell)出生在北爱尔兰,幼年随家人移民到萨斯喀彻温省,开始担任家政学教师,后来任职文化和青年厅副厅长。她说,她希望花时间倾听省民心声和关注,再决定她的重要事务。不过,环境和可持续性发展、教 育、艺术和文化,都是她关注的事务。

现在,安省两个最高职位都被女性占据,首位民选女省长Kathleen Wynne已宣誓就职,杜德斯威尔的官方上任日期尚未宣布。

“Ms. Dowdeswell has a wealth of expertise in education and public service, and has dedicated herself to the betterment of her community, province, and country," said Harper. "Her impressive skill set and vast domestic and international experience are exceptionally well-suited to promoting Ontario’s future, and I am confident that she will bring a fresh and dynamic perspective to the position.”