☏ 温哥华公交上遇状况 短信877777 →运联警方

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2014/04/14



为保证公交乘客的安全,运输警队(Transit Police)推出短信报警服务。如果身边有乘客让你感到不安,你只需把自己的位置和状况发短信至877777就可以联系到运联警方。捷运警队:604-515-8300。


"If it doesn't feel right, then it's wrong. Not reporting sexual assault is the real shame."

"When I saw the ad my initial reaction was shock and anger. Such obvious victim shaming was infuriating and very triggering to see it on my morning commute," 
Police plan to canvass nearby businesses for video surveillance recordings that might have captured images of the suspect.
 touched and verbally harassed
the ads will be taken down over the next three days and replaced with a message that's approved by the Transit Police Chief's Community Council, which includes women's rights groups.
"Our intention was never to put the blame in any way on the victim, but rather to say that we believe it's such a shame that suspects in those sex offences get away with it due to it not being reported. That's the real shame," said Drennan in an interview with HuffPost B.C.
"We completely understand in hindsight where they're coming from," she said. "We apologize to anybody who was offended by the message."
As of April 7, there were 49 reported sexual offences on transit this year. Many incidents are also documented on the blog Harassment on TransLink. But Transit Police suspect more incidents of unwanted advances (from verbal to physical) happen than are reported.