受争议的多伦多市长Rob Ford来到温哥华 (E/C)


福特日前赴温哥华后继续成为传媒焦点,报道指福特上周五在高贵林横过马路时遭票控乱过马路,福特的发言人Amin Massoudi证实确有此事,而福特形容事件令他感到尴尬和震惊。


有报道指,上周五早上与家人往温哥华准备出席朋友母亲葬礼的福特,当天晚上在高贵林北路(North Rd)横过马路时,被一个警员截停,并票控他在红灯时过马路及在公众地方饮醉酒。不过,福特在接受《多伦多太阳报 Toronto Sun》访问时,否认接到告他在公众地方饮醉酒的告票。据报道,乱过马路的罚款额是109元。




①Rob Ford has traveled to Vancouver but controversy has followed the embattled Toronto mayor.

Correction: This article was has been updated. A previous version stated that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was ticketed with jaywalking and public intoxication on Friday, Jan. 31, 2014. A witness at the scene claimed Ford stated he was ticketed for public intoxication. The witness has since retracted that statement. Ford’s office confirms he was ticketed with jaywalking, but says he did not receive any other ticket or citation. Global News regrets the error.

VANCOUVER — Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, in Vancouver this weekend for the funeral of a family friend, was ticketed by RCMP on Friday night for jaywalking.

“He said, ‘I f’d up boys. I was just trying to cross the red light here, and this ‘B’ stopped me,’” said Ian Currie, who saw Ford being ticketed by officers.

Currie said at the time he asked Ford if he was being ticketed for jaywalking and the mayor replied, “and public drunkenness,” although Saturday morning he retracted that statement.

Ford’s press secretary Amin Massoudi confirmed to Global News that Ford received a ticket for jaywalking, but said he did not receive any other ticket or citation.

“He said ‘I thought it was looser on the West Coast, I thought you were cooler over here,’” Currie told Global News. “We said, ‘it’s still the RCMP, man.’”

②Rob Ford is more than 4,000 kilometres away from his home base — and his running battle with Toronto’s top cop — but he’s still having trouble with police.

Shortly after Twitter users reported spotting the Toronto mayor in Coquitlam, he got a ticket for jaywalking after crossing North Road — and he’s not happy about it.

“I am perplexed,” Ford told the Toronto Sun’s Joe Warmington, one of the few reporters the mayor still speaks to one-on-one.

The ticket was reportedly for $109.

Ford denied that he also got a ticket for public intoxication. Global BC, which had earlier posted a witness account saying that he had gotten a ticket for public intoxication later updated its story after the witness retracted the statement.

The RCMP has refused to comment on the incident.

“As there is no public safety issue in this matter, we are unable to confirm or deny anything,” A RCMP regional duty officer told Global News. “In a situation where there is a celebrity involved, that is the policy.”

“All I have had here is a diet coke,” Ford told Warmington. He also wondered aloud if they targeted him “because I am a Bronco’s fan?”

“What a waste of taxpayers money.”

Rob Ford’s press secretary, Amin Massoudi, confirmed that the mayor received a ticket for jay walking Friday night. “He did not receive any other tickets or citations,” he wrote in an email to the Post.

The mayor posed for photos with spectators at the Shell station while the police were still on the scene.

“He basically let everybody take pictures with him,” Michael Spencer told the Vancouver Sun. “He was kinda saying ‘I might get in trouble with this’” from the police officers.