❣ Megan Young 世界小姐2013

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2013/09/30



“世界小姐2013”于本3日在印尼这个世界上最大的穆斯林国家拉开帷幕,令穆斯林哗然。成千数万人在整个印尼群岛参加抗议活动,他/她们谴责世界小姐这是“妓女大赛”,作为“扫黄打非”活动,印尼穆斯林组织者和抗议者们燃烧了的2012年世界小姐冠军中国俞文霞(音译)的肖像横幅以抗议、拒绝大赛在雅加达举办。(Indonesian Muslim protesters burn a banner featuring Miss World 2012 Yu Wenxia from China reading 'Reject Miss World' during a protest in Jakarta on Sept. 3, 2013.) Extremists are threatening to attack the pageant's final which they have dubbed 'pornography'. This weekend will see hundreds of policemen guard the competition. 选美赛他们称之为色情极端分子威胁攻击大赛。
Final ten: Miss World contestants who were selected as top 10 in the fashion show pose during the event at the convention centre in Nusa Dua, on Indonesia's resort island of Bali.
Miss Philippines Megan Young (梅根, 图中者) poses during the top model show. The final will see models walk in traditional outfits and face a question and answer session before a panel of judges.
The decision to ban the bikini round comes after a series of controversies surrounding Western singers performing in Indonesia.
The final will last several hours and contestants will don Indonesian-designed dresses.
