
图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2012/05/04



2012年,美国加州一名华裔学生Daniel Chong(丹尼尔·钟)因涉嫌吸食毒品被美国缉毒署逮捕,随后竟被工作人员遗忘,并被关押了五天。他在五天中只能靠饮尿液维生,濒临死亡。钟提起诉讼,要求毒品管制局赔偿2000万美元。按他的说法,事发至今,毒品管制局没有任何人向他表示歉意。2013年他们达成庭外和解,Chong获赔410万美元。

In California, the Drug Enforcement Administration is in trouble after a young man was left in a windowless holding cell without water or food for several days.
Daniel Chong, an engineering student at UC San Diego, was visiting friends and, as he admits, smoking marijuana. DEA agents raided the house looking to bust an ecstasy operation. (摇头丸)The DEA says it found drugs and guns, and took nine suspects back to their office for questioning. Later, Daniel Chong was left in a holding cell and forgotten. My cries were suicidal," he said. "At one point I even begged them to urinate through the crack of the door just for me to drink. I was willing to drink other people's urine. I mean it was pretty low and embarrassing."

CHONG: To stay sane? I didn't stay sane. Eventually, I was hallucinating by the second or third night. I even - at one point, I even begged them to urinate through the crack of the door just for me to drink. I was willing to drink other people's urine. I mean, it was pretty low and embarrassing. I got pretty shameless over there and, eventually, I went - I became suicidal.
I thought anything's better than just dehydrating to death. So I had glasses on at the time. I took my right lens out and then I bit it with my teeth in order to create shards and I did. And, at one point, I tried to carve a note for my mom.