
图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2012/03/20



This may be one award that won’t end up on the walls of City Hall anytime soon. Men’s Health magazine has recently called out the smuttiest cities in the U.S., and its an eye-opening look at what goes on behind closed doors.
Men’s Health took to the Internet for their research, adding up the number of DVDs purchased, rented, or streamed (courtesy AdultDVDEmpire.com); adult entertainment stores per city (StorErotica.net); rate of porn searches (Google Insights); and percentage of Cinemax-subscribing households (SimplyMap) to get an overall picture of municipal smuttiness. They then collated the information and came up with a list of 100 cities that have some ‘splainin to do.


The results? Well it’s unlikely that Disney World hometown Orlando is going to be mentioning this report in their tourism pamphlets any time soon. The results? Well it’s unlikely that Disney World hometown Orlando is going to be mentioning this report in their tourism pamphlets any time soon. Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, and St. Petersburg also appear on the list, which means the entire state of Florida may want to make sure their grandmas don’t see this issue of the magazine. (Or maybe the grandmas will be upset that their grandkids are finally on to them.)
But while Florida may be blushing, it’s California that reigns supreme. San Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento, Riverside, Bakersfield, San Jose, Fresno, Los Angeles, Stockton, Oakland and Anaheim all make the top 90. (With all that sunshine and good weather you would think Californians would spend more time outside.) Other states that may want to avoid making eye contact in the halls of Congress are North Carolina (Raleigh, Winston-Salem and Charlotte) and Texas (Austin, Houston, Dallas, Plano, Fort Worth, Corpus Christi and El Paso). based on that sexy South Florida could only manage to slide in at 12th place.
Even Tampa was pornier than Miami, making it in at 8th place. But of the top 100 smuttiest cities, only Jacksonville (52) and St. Petersburg (60) joined us on the list. Because you know you want to know if your hometown is on the list, here’s the full 100 cities from Mens Health, and the link to the full article,