♫ Nicole Kidman ~ Chanel Nº5

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2012/02/21



2004年,妮可·基德曼以1200万美元天价代言了Chanel N°5香奈儿5号香水。这支「Chanel N°5」(yt)广告据说耗资3000万美元,妮可与男模演绎了一段旷世奇恋。成为了Chanel历史上最美的代言人,留下了传世经典。

Nicole Kidman has admits she has experimented with Botox, But after not being able to move her face, but says she’s sworn off the treatment.
NICOLE Kidman has vowed that she will never undergo any surgery or use Botox ever again. she likes the ability to have control over her facial expressions.
She finally admitted in 2011 to having used the wrinkle-smoothing injections in the past after years of claiming her perfect, wrinkle-free features were totally natural.
she sticks to a healthy eating plan and rigorous exercise regimen to keep in shape.
"I am completely natural. I wear sunscreen, I don’t smoke and I take care of myself, and I am proud to say that," Kidman told the mag.
"Anybody can do anything to themselves - I don’t judge - but personally I believe in being physically fit. That’s how I was raised."
The natural redhead added that there is an upshot to her fair complexion: "I can’t go in the sun because I’m fair-skinned. It was a nightmare when I was younger but it has its benefits now."
