♔ 电影《鸠占鹊巢》亨利八世的6个妻子

纪录片《亨利八世的六位王后 Six Wives With Lucy Worsley》(, dand)

纪录片《The Six Wives of Henry VIII》(e1),《The Six Wives of Henry VIII》(e2),《The Six Wives of Henry VIII》(e3),《The Six Wives of Henry VIII》(e4),

电影#《the other boleyn girl 另一个波琳家的女孩》(2008, 1h55, okru)讲述波琳家的两姐妹Anne Boleyn与Mary Boleyn为争当亨利八世的情人展开了一系列勾心斗角的争夺战,俩姐妹分别由Natalie Portman与Scarlett Johansson饰演。
又名♦《鸠占鹊巢》(),《The Other Boleyn Girl》(okru),《The Other Boleyn Girl》(okru),《The Other Boleyn Girl》(okru)

▼电影#《Anne of the Thousand Days 千日安妮》(1969, 2h25, okru),Richard Burton, Irene Papas主演。《Anne of the Thousand Days 安妮的千日》(2h09, okru)

▼电影#《Lady Jane》(1986, 2h15),备份《Lady Jane》(分段)

《The Last Days of Anne Boleyn》

BBC纪录片《The Other Boleyn Girl》,《The Last Days of Anne Boleyn》

Henry VIII and His Six Wives(1972)

01. Catherine of Aragon
Catherine of Aragon seemed to be the perfect queen. She had love for her husband and was loyal to her people and to her faith, but she was unable to bear Henry a surviving son.

02. Anne Boleyn
Wanting everything and unwilling to be subservient, Anne Boleyn, the second wife of the omnipotent king moves headlong towards a terrible fate but her wit, charm and courage shine to the end.

03. Jane Seymour
The shy and devout Jane Seymour is the antithesis of Anne Boleyn. She comforts and cherishes her king with loyalty and love and even bears him a child. But tragedy awaits.

04. Anne of Cleves
Henry's marriage to the raw-boned Anne of Cleves is the story of an uneasy alliance between England and Germany, a political convenience. But while the annulment of that marriage amounts to a corresponding escape from political dilemmas, it also means the parting of two close friends.

05. Catherine Howard
Henry is enchanted by the young and beautiful Catherine Howard; who is in love with the glamour of being the Queen of England. But her physical distaste for the king, her vanity, immaturity, indiscretion and adultery lead her, with her lover, to a bitter end.

06. Catherine Parr
Having been forced to marry the gross and ageing king, the unpretentious Queen proves to be the only wife whose courageous honesty, directness and shining intellect endear rather than anger King Henry. She is also the only wife to survive her marriage and outlive the most notorious king in history.