
▼黑白电影《面纱 The Painted Veil》(1934, okru),Greta Garbo, George Brent,。▼电影《面纱 The Painted Veil》(2006, 2h04, okru),Naomi Watts, Edward Norton, Liev Schreiber主演。备份♦《面纱》(xcvod)

▼电影◑《伯爵夫人》(2005, 7xi),原版《伯爵夫人》(2005, xcvod),♦《伯爵夫人》(2005, ),《The White Countess》(okru),

电影《China Sky》(1945,, okru),Randolph Scott, Ruth Warrick主演。备份《China Sky》(1945,, okru),

电影《Pavilion of Women》(Pavillon de Femmes, 2001, okru),罗燕、主演。小说改编,-xl-hn),xsgb

▼电影《a countess from hong kong 香港女伯爵》(1967, okru, E),Marlon Brando, Sophia Loren, Sydney Chaplin主演。,《a countess from hong kong》(yt)

▼电影《苏丝黄的世界》(, xcvod),,

▼电影《拉贝日记 John Rabe》(xcvod),

▼电影《the inn of sixth happiness 六福客栈》(1957,yt,E/c),《the inn of sixth happiness》(1957,okru),◑《the inn of sixth happiness 六福客栈》(tou)

电影《异乡人:上海的芥川龙之介》(dian ),《异乡人:上海的芥川龙之介》,
电影《南京的基督》(xcvod, 梁家辉主演) 根据芥川龙之介的同名自传体小说改编,讲述这位日本名作家来华时与一位中国少女的爱情故事...

miansha, waiguoren, 外国人在中国

▼美国电影♦《55 days at Peking 北京55日》(1963, yt)以西方人的视角简述的东交民巷抵抗义和团攻击的故事。

▼电影《The Road to Hong Kong 活宝港岛历险记》(1962, yssh-tk),备份《活宝港岛历险记》(1962, soh, 香港之路),