✨ Maggie Q (李美琪) 作品

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2014/03/19



MaggieQ美越混血,模特出身,主演电影《Naked Weapon 赤裸特工》(1h31, 英语)身材妖艳惹火,吸引全球目光。更为她赢来《虎胆龙威4》、《谍中谍3》等多部好莱坞大片的机会。

电影♦《Live Free or Die Hard》(E)、《The King of Fighters》(E)、《New York, I Love You》(E)、《Manhattan Midnight 情陷曼哈顿》、《egiant》(E)、《Designated Survivor》、《three kingdoms resurrection of the dragon》(E)、《slumber》(E)、

电影◑《融之堂 p1》(ffw-gs-hn),◑《融之堂 p2》(ffw-gs-hn),范文芳、李美琪、主演。

美剧《Nikita 尼基塔》(单例, hmdl)、,

采访♦《A Day In The Life Of: Maggie Q 李美琪》(E),「Designated Survivor」(E)

She’s appeared in everything from action blockbusters (Live Free or Die Hard) to art-house fare (New York, I Love You)
She’s passionate about PETA and was even responsible for making sure no real fur snuck onto the costumes for the Chinese film "Three Kingdoms". Plus, check out her vegetarian recruiting poster! 素食主义者的招募海报


电影◈《梦幻岛》(iyf, E/c)
