小屁孩Justin Bieber评论王子秃头 (E/C)


Prince William will be bald by the time he’s 40 according to leading hair surgeons
Prince William's bald patches are already starting to show, and according to experts, he will be bald on top by the age of 40
William is set to follow in his father's footsteps according to experts

Pop idol Justin Bieber caused controversy by saying Prince William should take the hair loss drug Propecia to avoid those ever-impending bald patches from worsening.
And while it was all harmless joviality, a leading hair transplant surgeon is adamant that the Prince will be completely bald on the top his head by the time he is 40.
Doctor Asim Shahmalak said that Propecia could halt the royal's hair loss but it would not restore his lost hair.
Dr Shahmalak, who runs the Crown Clinic in Manchester said: 'He would have to take Propecia for the rest of his life and it would not help him to grow new hair.
'Around 2 per cent of patients who take Propecia suffer side effects such as the loss of libido.'
Dr Shahmalak, who carried out a hair transplant on Dr Christian Jessen from Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies, said that Prince William, 30, would be completely bald on the top of his head by the age of 40 if he didn't take action.
He said: 'Prince William has been losing his hair since he was 25. His hair loss is even worse than his father Charles. And obviously his grand-father Philip is bald too.
'That is a strong family gene. There is a strong likelihood that any male child he has with Kate will also have this bald gene - though a further consideration will be hair genes on Kate's side of the family.
'Prince William has quite fine light brown hair. To restore the hair on the top of his head to a reasonable level of density, he will need at least 3,000 or 4,000 hair grafts where hair is taken from the back of the scalp and moved to the top of the head. This is similar to the treatment which Wayne Rooney had.'

Propecia is the only licensed hair loss tablet in the world which keeps existing hair.
It is not available on the NHS and a year's treatment costs around £800.
Side effects in a small number of patients include loss of libido, growth of man boobs and ejaculation problems.
Bieber told British magazine Rollacoaster: ‘I mean, there are things to prevent that nowadays, like Propecia.’
He went on: ‘I don't know why he doesn't just get those things, those products. You just take Propecia and your hair grows back. Have you not got it over here?’

七月末,Justin Bieber在接受《RollaCoaster》杂志采访时,为英国威廉王子众所周知却秘而不宣的发线后移难题“出谋划策”了一番:“我搞不懂为啥他不用那些产品,用一下生发剂(Propecia,非那雄胺生发剂),头发就全回来了。难道你那儿没有吗?”

So far, Prince William has not commented on the barb. The same can't be said for the legions of angered fans who've got Prince William's back.

Bieber, known for his lush locks, is receiving backlash from fans of Prince William who view his diss “in the same way you view an annoying fly buzzing around you,” British journalist Jessica Callan tells Huffington Post. “He needs to be swatted away.”

“Wills and Prince Harry may joke about William’s thinning hair, but that doesn’t mean a kid like Justin can come sauntering in and join in the joke,” Callan continues. “It’s like inviting someone over for dinner and they tell you how awful your carpet is. Even if you agree, how dare they say it? So the Biebs had better watch out! Wills may be thinning on top but he is one cool royal and landed himself the hottest future queen England has ever had. How can Justin and his girly hairstyle possibly compete with that?”

The Brits are not taking kindly to Justin Bieber‘s comments about Prince William — you know, the country’s future king — and his thinning hair. The Biebs suggested that Prince Billy take Propecia, as if it was that simple.

The Biebs also seemed insensitive, since, as a teen with an enviable head of thick, lush hair, he was speaking from a lofty position with his ill-advised comments. Turns out The Biebs is talking out of turn and hasn’t earned the right to be making such public assertions.

“The Brits are viewing Justin Bieber’s diss about Prince William’s challenging hair problem in the same way you view an annoying fly buzzing around you. He needs to be swatted away,” British journalist Jessica Callan told The Huffington Post. “Wills and Prince Harry may joke about William’s thinning hair, but that doesn’t mean a kid like Justin can come sauntering in and join in the joke.” That’s true. Men are sensitive about the issue of balding and The Biebs was making light of not-so-nice stch.

Callan continued, “It’s like inviting someone over for dinner and they tell you how awful your carpet is. Even if you agree, how dare they say it? So The Biebs had better watch out! Wills may be thinning on top but he is one cool royal and landed himself the hottest future queen England has ever had. How can Justin and his girly hairstyle possibly compete with that?”

Zing. Score one for the Brits there. Although we have to point out that The Biebs’ lady love Selena Gomez is as adorbs as it gets.

Maybe Scooter Braun should advise his client to issue an apology to the prince? Just a suggestion…

  显然比伯低估了英国媒体对王子的爱戴程度,此话一出,当地媒体对Bieber进行了反击,“在英国人眼里,贾斯汀·比伯挖苦威廉王子的头发问 题,就跟耳边嗡嗡作响的蚊子一样,必须一巴掌扇走!”在英国明星八卦界举足轻重的记者Jessica Callan说道,“威廉可以跟亨利互相嘲讽‘地中海’难题,但不代表像比伯这样随随便便一个外头的小屁孩就能插一嘴。”

  “就像你邀请别人来你家共进晚餐,人家一进门,就指着门口的地毯说长得丑! 就算你自己也这么觉得,但进门那人是胆生毛了有没有? 比伯你看好了, 威廉王子头发不多,但他是非常酷的皇室成员,他娶来的未来皇后还是全英格兰有史以来最辣的! 就凭Justin跟他那娘炮发型,哪里有的比啦!”

  话说回来,威廉王子也并非贾斯汀·比伯唯一以大言不惭相向的英国人,据《Hollywood Life》上月报道,比伯曾豪言自己能把英国偶像团One Direction成员逐一放倒:“(如果他们一起上)我会被打得很惨,但一个个来我肯定能搞定他们,旋风腿正脸飞踢!”