温哥华市中心夏季活动 Robson Square 社交舞及萨萨 免费学

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2014/06/26



夏季时温哥华市中心Robson Square每逢周五及周日下午都会有社交舞及萨萨舞学习活动,包括免费的初学者课程和社交舞,对不同级别的所有人开放。Free admission。

萨萨舞(salsa):周日晚上,6月29日、7月6, 13, 20 & 27日;8月3, 10, 17 & 24日。3pm 授课。5pm 表演。

社交舞(ballroom dancing):周五晚上,6月27日、7月4, 11, 18 & 25;8月1, 8, 15, 22, 29。7:30pm 授课。

网址(more info at):sundayafternoonsalsa.com、dancesportbc.com

Looking for a romantic date idea or fun activity for a group of friends? Sunday Afternoon Salsa (3~7:30 pm) welcomes dancers of all ages and abilities (but most are fairly accomplished and put on a good show).
The popular series features free lessons and dance performances by local groups. Friday nights at the venue are dedicated to ballroom dancing; the series (7:30~11:30pm) also features free lessons and showcase demonstrations. June 27 to Aug. 29 | Robson Square

温哥华夏季儿童学玩好去处 http://info.vanpeople.com/?action-viewnews-itemid-381096