加拿大大学生挂科/学术试读警告 Academic Probation

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2013/01/10



Academic Probation(留校察看)说明该生有些课程不好,引起校方的注意。他/她现在需要学校提供辅导员来帮助,看是不是拿的课程结构不合理,负担太重,或者老师不合他/她口味,或者老师刁难他/她。。。总之可以有999种客观原因,其中没有任何一种原因一定是你孩子的错。

一般说来,Academic Probation的下一步才是Required to Withdraw(劝退)。即使这时候都还能撑,还有改善余地。最后才是Extended Withdrawal(退学),这也不是世界末日。只要有迹象显示该学生已经改善了,还能回去。http://www.ubc.ca/okanagan/students/advising/academic-performance/academ...
有Academic Probation的学生成绩改善以后自然就变成Good Standing了。
“A student placed On Academic Probation at the end of the Winter Session will normally be allowed to register in a maximum of 9 credits in the following term. This restriction may be waived at the discretion of the Faculty. The credit restriction will only be enforced if the student is notified before the subsequent term begins.
On Academic Probation is changed to In Good Standing if a student’s cumulative average in the term in which he or she was on Academic Probation is 55% or higher.”

Course Advisor, Co-op Coordinator, 过渡计计划 pathway program