19岁的加籍歌星 Justin Bieber 美国人请愿轰他走

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2013/01/09



Bieber最近频频闯祸,打人、酒驾、吸大麻,往邻居家扔鸡蛋。29号晚上比伯在多伦多自动向警方投案,他被指控上个月殴打一名出租轿车司机,并逃离现场。一个星期前他在迈阿密被控醉酒驾车,抵抗警察逮捕罪被起诉。于是一贯对娱乐明星宽容的美国人发起了请愿(sign petition),要求政府取消Bieber的工作签证,把他赶回加拿大。请愿书说:“我们要求把具有危险性、不负责、具毁坏性、有吸毒行为的Justin Bieber驱逐出境,没收他的绿卡。他不仅对美国人的安全造成威胁,也对青年人产生了恶劣影响。”驱逐Justin Bieber的公民请愿达到了22万,白宫发言人卡尼说:“按照程序,请愿者超过10万人我们就要回应,我现在还没有正式回应。不过签证问题应该由国土安全部(DHS)来处理。”

a petition to deport the Canadian pop star from the United State

behavioral missteps, "We the People" petition, which has garnered nearly 236,000 signatures.
There will be a response when the threshold is crossed. The petition has, in fact, already passed the threshold of 100,000
signatures after which the Obama administration is obligated to respond.
"We would like to see the dangerous, reckless, destructive, and drug
abusing, Justin Bieber deported and his green card revoked. He is not
only threatening the safety of our people but he is also a terrible
influence on our nations youth. We the people would like to remove
Justin Bieber from our society."

Bieber is set to be arraigned on Valentine's Day in Miami on charges of drunk driving, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license.

原文 http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/white-house-to-address-petition-t...