超模 Miranda Kerr 好莱坞最佳着装名人

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2012/07/05



“辣妹”维多利亚‧贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham)、杰西卡‧阿尔芭(Jessica Alba)、真人秀女星奥利维亚‧巴勒莫(Olivia Palermo)、肯尼亚女演员露皮塔‧尼永奥(Lupita Nyong'o)、真人秀女星妮可‧里奇(Nicole Richie)、歌手詹妮弗‧洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)、澳大利亚女星凯特‧布兰切特(Cate Blanchett)、澳大利亚名模米兰达·可儿(Miranda Kerr)、时尚女王莎拉‧杰西卡‧帕克(Sarah Jessica Parker),以及女星凯特‧波茨沃斯(Kate Bosworth)等。

Where you've seen her: As a Victoria's Secret Angel Why we love her: She was the first Aussie model to be offered a contract with Victoria's Secret, and she hasn't slowed down since.
Plus, she got naked to protect the cuddly Koala - - who wouldn't respect that?