古典衬衣 气韵复古

图文来源: 互联网

发表于: 2014/06/11




01. What's in fashion currently? 现在流行什么?

02. Your clothes don't match. 你的衣服看起来不搭配。

03. Everyone knows that is last year's fashion. 谁都知道这种款式去年流行。

04. This tank top is made for you. 这件背心超适合你。

05. A girl wearing a long skirt is more like a lady. 穿长裙的女孩更淑女。

06. You are always finely dressed. 你总是打扮得那么好。

07. You look better than charming. 你看起来美极了。

08. You really have a good taste. 你品味真好。

09. You have an impeccable taste. 你的品味无懈可击。

10. It's the latest style. 这是最新款式。